@Mobile Content World: Should operators stick to operating?
Should operators stick to operating, or try and become content providers? Graham Thomas, VP of T-Mobile's content services said the best way is to work in partnership with content providers. iO Global's founder -- Brendan Dowling said operators need to bring in more content-focused people than before in their new role as facilitators of this new generation of consumer-generated content. That new role is to help people create, find, store and access all that content.
– O2's head of mobile data marketing Graeme Ridell said it's not all about content snacking. eBay is proving very popular, for example. "That's not snacking - they have a reason to look. It's about trying to marry those type of service s where people don't snack but use mobile regularly".
– T-Mobile's VP of content services Graham Thomas added that pricing is important too - techniques like capping costs at Ј1 on certain download sites are reassuring for the consumer.
– Dowling said a lot of commercial operators need to change their thinking on premium content. News, weather, info and horoscopes can't be a very big market. "My philosophy is that you give them the content for free, bring them in and give them the mobile experience."
– A couple of snippets: starting a mobile business now is a good time - like starting a web business in 1997. Another from the ‘dragon's den' panel said the best time to raise venture money is when you don't need it...
(c) MocoNews
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