Mobile TV

Thursday, September 21, 2006

@Mobile Content World: Operators Must Work With Content Providers, Against Them

Operators must work with content providers because, quite simply, they have the content that consumers want. 3's head of content partnerships Mark Nichols said customers aren't drawn to networks or labels but to brands, so that means working in partnership with the specialists. In terms of music, 3's own music download service gets around 1.3 million downloads per week and charges 99p per track. Dropping the rate from Ј1.50 triggered a massive growth in use, said Nichols. "We'd all like the margins to be higher but we do make money. It's not a lost leader. I know Steve Jobs says he doesn't make any money music, but I reckon it's about Ј1.3 million and I think all of us would like to try running iTunes with Ј1.3 million".
– He said he doesn't see the price of download music dropping because customers are willing to pay for music, even if they also download some other music illegally. TV, he added, will be the opposite because consumers are not used to paying for that. Endemol's head of mobile and broadband Michel de Gooijier completely disagreed: "You're saying that because of the numbers you're seeing for downloads. The numbers you're not seeing are much bigger because usage is far higher than turnover."

(c) MocoNews

Для информации:
3 is the largest 3G network in the UK and Europe.
The 3 network is available across eight countries and has over 10 million customers. In the UK alone, 3 acquired 3.2million 3G customers after 32 months of operations – that’s more than the other UK mobile operators combined.
1,3 млн закачек в неделю с 10 млн. абонентов (3,2 млн 3G) - очень неплохо!


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