Mobile TV

Thursday, May 10, 2007

News Corp COO Peter Chernin Sees Mobile As Anybody’s Game

Peter Chernin, News Corp chief operating officer, said at a press conference at the Cable Show that the mobile market was still confused, reports Ad Age.

“No one knows what it looks like,” he said. “It’s like the cable business in the late ‘70s right now. In 1977, no one knew there was going to be an ESPN, Discovery or a Lifetime. What happens is hopefully smart people get into it and begin experimenting with different content forms. When we bought Jamba, they had a business model that has fairly high-priced subscriptions,” he said...But even though Mr. Chernin has control over the largest player in the mobile industry right now, the overall business is still sink or swim. “Those people who do a good job will flourish and those who don’t, won’t. We’re in the very first pitch of the first inning and we’re all trying to figure it out.” So News Corp plans to be very active in mobile, but hasn’t yet set its heart on a particular business model.


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