Sprint Aims To Sell 10 Million Tracks
Groove Mobile has sent out a press release saying that the Sprint full track download service (which uses Groove) "is on target to sell over 10 million tracks by the end of 2006?. The prediction is based on the fact that one million tunes were downloaded in the first three months and a second million in the following two months, and extrapolating the growth. The language goes from "selling" to "downloading", and there have been questions about how many downloads are paid on the service before.
Still, Groove goes on to say that it thinks there is minimal resistance to the $2.50 price for downloads (a lot higher than just about anywhere else) and that it hopes to sell more songs per device. "Currently, iTunes sells about 25 songs per iPod. In mobile music, the objective is to sell 200 songs per device – with insightful marketing, it's achievable."
I think it's a little ambitious...ambition is good, but at some point it goes over the top. Assuming a two-year life span for a phone, that's two songs purchased every week.
(c) MocoNews
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